Friday, December 19, 2008

The best moments in life...

you usually do not have a camera in hand.

Lately Haven and Avie get on each others nerves more than they get along, but that is something that comes with siblings, especially brother and sister. This morning was a nice reminder why we are so blessed and why they are so lucky to have each other. One day when they are fighting non-stop I will remind them of this moment...

I was getting everything in order for our day while Haven and Avie played and watched
Sesame Street. Any parent who endures Sesame Street knows it is filled with songs and dancing. Usually Haven pleads with me to dance. So all three of us dance around the living room to ridiculous songs about vegitables or something of equal importance. It is part of my mommy duty to dance and I would be lying if I said I did not enjoy it more than any adult should.

This time Diana Krall (who was a special guest) was singing a jazz tune and playing the piano. Haven was immediately captivated and jumped to his feet. He ran over and grabbed my hand and said, "Dance Mama dance." Being the obediant Mom that I am I got up and danced around with him. Avie watched and started laughing at us. So I grabbed her up and danced with her while Haven jumped around us. Avie was having a great time. Haven then looked up at us and said, "Dance!" I assumed he wanted to hold my hands to dance so I reached down to take his hand. Instead he pushed my hand away and reached for his little sister.

I set her down on the ground and Haven grabbed both her hands. And they danced. Avie, who is not a skilled dancer like Haven yet, stood there and bounced while she held Haven's hands and laughed. Haven made sure she didn't fall over and laughed every time she laughed.

Elmo and Diana Krall finished their song and Haven let go of Avie's hand. They both went back to their toys...or fought over the same toy. I really can't keep track, but either way I relished in the highlight of my day. It was pretty much the cutest thing I have ever seen.

As if the cute factor was not enough...I have every intention of blackmailing them in their teen years with this story. Another reason I'm disappointed I did not have my camera handy. Not to worry. I do have a bathtub duo shot that would make any teenager want to crawl in a hole.

1 comment:

The Edelbrocks said...

ahhh! That is soooo cute!!! I wish you would have had your camera too! I love moments that make your heart melt. So sweet.