Saturday, July 10, 2010

Letters to my Children

When Haven was about 10 months old and I was pregnant with Avie I decided I wanted a way to remember everything I love about them at their age. They grow so fast and as a Mom I find so many things to appreciate about who they are at this very moment. I want to remember my most urgent prayers for them. I want to remember the things I agonized over (like the first time I let Haven cry it out). I want to remember funny conversations and what things they did that day that made Mike and I lay in bed that night laughing and smiling.

But the main reason I write to them is not so I remember them (how could I forget), but so they get a glimpse into how much Mike and I love them. I want them to know all the prayers I have for them. I want them to gain wisdom from what I am learning in my life. I want them to know how hard we try and how much we pray that we will be good parents even though we are not perfect. I definitely want them to know (when they are older) that I even found joy in them when they were misbehaving (at this exact moment my son is peeking his head around the corner when he should be in bed). Mostly I just want them to know I have always loved them at every stage and for the distinct qualities that makes them...them.

I haven't decided when I will present the letters to them. I don't plan to tell them I write them. Maybe I will wait until they graduate from high school. Or maybe I will give it to them sooner if I think they need it. I bet you can think back to a moment with your parents when you could have really used a stack of letters reassuring you that they had your best interests at heart.

Maybe other parents would consider doing the same for their kids. I write a letter every few months or more frequently as the moment strikes. I'm looking forward to the day when I hand them a notebook full of reasons I adore them and always have.


The Edelbrocks said...

Love this! I have letters written to them in their baby books, but starting a notebook is a great idea. I might start that tomorrow. :)

Rachael said...

I have done the same thing for my kiddos too...For Ethan it was more a jumbled mess of hormonal thoughts, but then has morphed into recording his firsts..the first time he said I'm sorry voluntarily, as well as some other times. For Elly it's more about all the drama surrounding her birth, and what God revealed to me, and how He got me through that hard time (Brian's on his own with that!).
It's soooo important to sit and chronicle different things.
You're such a great mom!