Normally, I post fun stories and pictures of my kiddos. but this issue is very close to my heart and I simply can't overlook an opportunity to shine a light on this injustice. So here's your warning in advance...this is not a happy post, but a necessary one.
Over the summer our church confronted an important, often neglected issue that takes place world wide.
The below information is from
"Each year sexual traffickers lure, coerce, trick, drug, kidnap, and sell millions
of vulnerable women and children into the multi-billion dollar sex trade. In
their daily lives victims of sexual trafficking endure unspeakable acts of
physical brutality, violence and degradation including rape by so-called
customers and pimps; undergo forced abortions; acquire drug and alcohol
dependencies; live in fear of their lives and in fear for the lives of their family
and friends; suffer acute psychological reactions as a result of their extreme
physical and emotional trauma; and contract sexually transmitted diseases
which all too often bring life-long illness or hasten death. If they survive, the
physical, psychological and spiritual impacts of these experiences on victims
are devastating and enduring.
As for the traffickers, they are not respecters of international borders, the rule
of law, democracy, or multi-lateral treaties guaranteeing universal human
rights. They have no regard for the economic status of victims or their level of
education. They do not discriminate against their victims based on the color of
their skin, their nationality, or their religion. For all those among the innocent,
Explore the Issue."
After hearing all of this I was horrified. We were told currently iempathize was raising money to build a fence around their community because pimps were stealing children back that had been rescued from the sex trade. Children as young as 6.
As a mother, there is no way I could ignore this. My children, thankfully, are safe, but there are some mothers who don't know where their child is, as their child in being tortured in unspeakable ways.
And don't be fooled into thinking this only happens in other countries. There is child trafficking taking place right here in our country.
Find out how you can help.
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