Thursday, August 28, 2008

The glory is gone...or at least shorter

After much stomping, pouting, whining and begging Tiffany tried to convince...or demand that Mike cut off his long locks. After all, Shannon and Jillian's wedding is coming and it only makes sense to not go looking like Shannon hired a wookie to stand by him in a tux.

So with just as much stomping, pouting and whining Mike went a few days ago and chopped off his "glorious hair." I'm sure it was painful, but he managed and came out looking like the man I married. Don't worry, someone took some before and after pictures so we can remember the....glory.

"If everyone had my hair the world would be a better place. There would be no wars or fighting. Everyone would just sit around and comb each others hair." Michael Freeman

I guess world peace will just have to wait....

1 comment:

The Edelbrocks said...

LOL!! Mike, trust me. The world is a better place now that you have short hair. I think it looks great!