Here are some pictures of the artist and the masterpiece....
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6
Friday, June 27, 2008
Haven Paints for the First Time!
More from Mike on "Dear Kathryn"

I was driving to work one day, listening to the radio, when a sound bite came on about an outreach/support group for overseas Christians. I listened to the story of a group of Christians beaten and imprisoned for simply having a Bible study. I spent the next few miles driving to work weeping for these people. Thoughts and images of this clouded my mind. The weight of these people's hearts was given to me and I just didn't know what to do with it all. When I pulled into the parking lot and shut the car off I just sat there in silence. I quietly prayed, "Dear Jesus, let me tell their story." I went now and pumped out the script. I looked up other instances like this and what I found was simply amazing. The violence bestowed upon people for just believing in Jesus is...just unreal. The Lord set a fire in me and paved the way for the production of this short film. Very soon after writing the script God catapulted me back into the lives of some old family friends and once they read the script they were in. They came over for dinner one night, we ate, talked, and all the sudden I realized we were making this movie. Need after need was met with Holy timing. From cast to crew, God brought us the best helping hands. Everyone was so amazing in the giving of their time and talents. I thank you all for the giving of yourselves and those who prayed us through this far. We're not done yet! We are currently in post and will be getting some voice acting done in the next few weeks. Please continue to pray for this project and it's speedy completion. God has been good to us and this project, I firmly believe he will do great things through this film. More updates to come...
Dear Kathryn,
short film
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Mike's "Dear Kathryn" Film

Mike has been working on a new short film called "Dear Kathryn". The film is inspired by true events surrounding the persecution of Christians overseas. The filming is finished and post-production is the next step. Mike had a lot of great help and support on this film. We hope to get this film done soon so we can submit it to film festivals. Stay tuned for more updates as we complete the project!

Dear Kathryn christians,
film shoot,
short film
Trip to the ZOO!
A couple of weekends ago we took a family trip to the zoo. With our stroller in tow and lots of diapers and snacks we set out. It was kinda cloudy, but that didn't keep us from seeing all the animals and sharing some ice cream cones. Haven liked the lions, the grizzly bear, the kangaroos and the seals the best. He hopped for a good while after watching the kangaroos. And he is pretty convinced everything in the zoo says "ROAR". Avie did great and spent a lot of her time watching Haven. Big brothers are good for that I guess.
What Did I Do All Day?
At the end of the day I look around my house and think "what did I accomplish today?" There are random child size articles of clothing strewn about (and occasionally husband size, but that is another matter), there are toys in every corner and under every piece of furniture, there are dirty dishes in the sink, clothes washed, but still sitting wet in the washing machine, bills sitting out waiting to be paid, and oh that a dirty diaper just sitting on the living room floor?
How is it that my house looks like this when I feel like I spent the whole day picking up, washing, drying, folding, and cleaning. So what exactly did I do all day?
I remember opening the washing machine door to put the clothes in the dryer only to open the dryer and see unfolded clothes. So I start to neatly fold towels as my son walks up and pushes the pile onto the dirty floor. Should I dust them off and use them anyway? The answer is always yes. But wait...I have to stop and explain we don’t push towels mommy is folding onto the floor. I then went back to folding only for my son to push them onto the floor again. So we stop again, dust them off again and I grab my son by the hand, lead him to timeout and explain again we don’t push towels mommy is folding onto the floor.
Fast forward a couple of minutes. Towel folding is interrupted again when I have to go get my son out of timeout. I tell him "say sorry mama" He replies with "dee dee mama" and a hug. Um...what? Oh well...back to folding. Last towel folded and set on top of the dryer so toddler hands cant reach. Now...we’re getting somewhere. On to the dishes! Wait, is that the baby crying?
So now it’s time to feed the baby. I pick up the baby just as my son runs at me with a book. Ok...I can do this. Holding and feeding a baby while holding and reading a book to a toddler who likes to scream "Doggy" the entire time I’m trying to read to him. I have the baby and the book and the toddler screaming "doggy!"
"No honey...that’s a cow"
"No...this is a doggy and this is a cow"
Task complete. Baby is fed, toddler’s book done, toddler now knows difference between dog and cow....wait who smells? Everyone under 2 smells....
Diaper change time. I wont go into details. Back to the dishes....after I figure out why the baby is crying and why the toddler is so quiet. Oh..I see. My son is "sharing" his blocks a little too rough for a 3 month old who has no hand coordination. I have to figure out how to explain sharing is nice, but stop it. There has to be an easier way....I got it!
"Do you want lunch?"
Ok....lunch. What to give for lunch..... We need...chicken? No he had that yesterday. PBJ? No...he wont eat that lately. Finally...turkey dog, left over peas and apple sauce. Everything warmed (while holding a baby in one arm mind you), toddler in chair, buckled in with a bib. I get his nicely organized, thought over plate set in front of him.
"Eee ha"
"It’s hot? It’s not hot"
"Eee ha"
"No just try’s not hot"
"Eee ha" he throws a few pieces of turkey dog that are too hot to eat, but not touch with his hand to the dog.
Distracting with plane sounds and crazy abnormal arm movements gets him to take a few bites of turkey dog. The rest he eats on his own....with fingers instead of a spoon.
After getting my son cleaned up from head to toe I get him ready for a nap. Around here nap time is like happy hour minus drunks. Well at least it use to be, but now I have another baby and getting them both to nap would be like winning a small lottery. If they napped regularly at the same time everyday for at least 2 hours…that would be like power ball.
The rest of my day looks much like the start of my day. Starting one task only to be interrupted by crying, pleading, demanding, interfering and needing.
How did I get to this point in my life? I use to spend my day in my car listening to music that was not about humpty dumpty and the ABC’s. I use to go to class with other people my age. I use to play poker on Friday nights with good friends and yes…went to real happy hours. I use to buy trendy clothes for myself instead of a pair of kids jeans and extra pack of onsies to avoid little hands in big diapers. I use to see a toddler throw a huge fit and think "I would control my child" only to now hope that the fit happens in my home instead of while we’re out.
Now my days are filled with dirty diapers, wiping away tears, reading about Sam the dog, Ralph the rabbit, feeding babies, picking up toys over and over. I actually find myself bouncing when I’m not even holding the baby and I find myself singing along to Sesame Street without realizing it.
So at the end of the day when I look around at my house with clothes, diapers, toys, sippy cups everywhere and wet clothes in the washer, dirty dishes in the sink and try to remember why I feel so tired…I remember it’s because my new job is the important one. This job I will have for the rest of my life. The duties may vary, but the goal is the same as is the sense of accomplishment. My children will grow into successful, productive, confident adults. At least that is all I can hope for. I will change as many dirty diapers, wipe as many tears, implement as many timeouts, endure embarrassing fits from toddlers with no impulse control and feed as much healthy food to picky eaters as possible if it means my children will know I love them and they will learn to love.
My job may not seem to glamorous. I don’t get breaks, paychecks, vacation time or employee of the month, but I’m rewarded with hugs, smiles, healthy, happy children. When someone sees my house they may think I don’t do anything all day, but that is just because they can’t see it….yet.
How is it that my house looks like this when I feel like I spent the whole day picking up, washing, drying, folding, and cleaning. So what exactly did I do all day?
I remember opening the washing machine door to put the clothes in the dryer only to open the dryer and see unfolded clothes. So I start to neatly fold towels as my son walks up and pushes the pile onto the dirty floor. Should I dust them off and use them anyway? The answer is always yes. But wait...I have to stop and explain we don’t push towels mommy is folding onto the floor. I then went back to folding only for my son to push them onto the floor again. So we stop again, dust them off again and I grab my son by the hand, lead him to timeout and explain again we don’t push towels mommy is folding onto the floor.
Fast forward a couple of minutes. Towel folding is interrupted again when I have to go get my son out of timeout. I tell him "say sorry mama" He replies with "dee dee mama" and a hug. Um...what? Oh well...back to folding. Last towel folded and set on top of the dryer so toddler hands cant reach. Now...we’re getting somewhere. On to the dishes! Wait, is that the baby crying?
So now it’s time to feed the baby. I pick up the baby just as my son runs at me with a book. Ok...I can do this. Holding and feeding a baby while holding and reading a book to a toddler who likes to scream "Doggy" the entire time I’m trying to read to him. I have the baby and the book and the toddler screaming "doggy!"
"No honey...that’s a cow"
"No...this is a doggy and this is a cow"
Task complete. Baby is fed, toddler’s book done, toddler now knows difference between dog and cow....wait who smells? Everyone under 2 smells....
Diaper change time. I wont go into details. Back to the dishes....after I figure out why the baby is crying and why the toddler is so quiet. Oh..I see. My son is "sharing" his blocks a little too rough for a 3 month old who has no hand coordination. I have to figure out how to explain sharing is nice, but stop it. There has to be an easier way....I got it!
"Do you want lunch?"
Ok....lunch. What to give for lunch..... We need...chicken? No he had that yesterday. PBJ? No...he wont eat that lately. Finally...turkey dog, left over peas and apple sauce. Everything warmed (while holding a baby in one arm mind you), toddler in chair, buckled in with a bib. I get his nicely organized, thought over plate set in front of him.
"Eee ha"
"It’s hot? It’s not hot"
"Eee ha"
"No just try’s not hot"
"Eee ha" he throws a few pieces of turkey dog that are too hot to eat, but not touch with his hand to the dog.
Distracting with plane sounds and crazy abnormal arm movements gets him to take a few bites of turkey dog. The rest he eats on his own....with fingers instead of a spoon.
After getting my son cleaned up from head to toe I get him ready for a nap. Around here nap time is like happy hour minus drunks. Well at least it use to be, but now I have another baby and getting them both to nap would be like winning a small lottery. If they napped regularly at the same time everyday for at least 2 hours…that would be like power ball.
The rest of my day looks much like the start of my day. Starting one task only to be interrupted by crying, pleading, demanding, interfering and needing.
How did I get to this point in my life? I use to spend my day in my car listening to music that was not about humpty dumpty and the ABC’s. I use to go to class with other people my age. I use to play poker on Friday nights with good friends and yes…went to real happy hours. I use to buy trendy clothes for myself instead of a pair of kids jeans and extra pack of onsies to avoid little hands in big diapers. I use to see a toddler throw a huge fit and think "I would control my child" only to now hope that the fit happens in my home instead of while we’re out.
Now my days are filled with dirty diapers, wiping away tears, reading about Sam the dog, Ralph the rabbit, feeding babies, picking up toys over and over. I actually find myself bouncing when I’m not even holding the baby and I find myself singing along to Sesame Street without realizing it.
So at the end of the day when I look around at my house with clothes, diapers, toys, sippy cups everywhere and wet clothes in the washer, dirty dishes in the sink and try to remember why I feel so tired…I remember it’s because my new job is the important one. This job I will have for the rest of my life. The duties may vary, but the goal is the same as is the sense of accomplishment. My children will grow into successful, productive, confident adults. At least that is all I can hope for. I will change as many dirty diapers, wipe as many tears, implement as many timeouts, endure embarrassing fits from toddlers with no impulse control and feed as much healthy food to picky eaters as possible if it means my children will know I love them and they will learn to love.
My job may not seem to glamorous. I don’t get breaks, paychecks, vacation time or employee of the month, but I’m rewarded with hugs, smiles, healthy, happy children. When someone sees my house they may think I don’t do anything all day, but that is just because they can’t see it….yet.
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