"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6
I remember when I first saw Drago. He was the only white puppy sitting in the middle of all of his extremely active brothers and sisters crawling all over him. I picked him up and begged to take him home. He road home on my lap that day. We noticed immediatly he was goofy and quarky. He caught on quickly to fetch and would catch a frisbee all day. We spoiled him more than we should have and totally enjoyed him. Once the kids came Drago was so patient with them and Haven really enjoyed him. But with all the new responsibilties we had less time to devote to Drago.
We decided Drago needed more time and energy than we could give him. We enjoyed him very much and it was very sad to see him go. But we know he will be very happy with his new family. The family who adopted him had to pass a home inspection from a border collie adoption facility specifically for active border collies like Drago. This family passed and already received a dog in February and they loved their dog so much they wanted another one. Drago was their pick! We met them a few weekends ago and they fell in love with him right away. They were very impressed with his fetching. As soon as they got Drago home they took him in the backyard to play with him and posted pictures of their dogs. They e-mailed us and let us know that he was doing great and getting along with his new "brother" very well. Haven is too young to understand where Drago went so we told him he went to play. We will all miss him. But we are thrilled he will be walked daily, played with constantly, be allowed on the furniture and embraced as a part of the family. He will be a happy dog.